joven y alocada


I went to bed really fucking late but they made me go to church anyway. I sat in the last seat in the back of the church like a sinner who knows that she's a sinner. I was a little drunk and a little hung over. The pastor was silent for a few minutes before beginning his sermon. I got paranoid. I thought that his silence was because he was gathering strength to say that there was a very demoniacal blog that was mine, the blog of a demon, and even worse, of his brother's daughter. I thought that they would make me go up in front of everyone and that I would run out of there and take the subway to the Puente Alto plaza. Then I thought that it was better to get to Central Station and take a bus to some place that wasn't the south. The pastor broke his silence and said that the world was getting worse every day, that there had been a gai pride march in I-don't-know-what country, one of those liberal ones that have marches filled with pride, and that Elton Jon had played a concert in I-don't-know-where and it was all so gai. The devil knows how to make a gai march and elton gai coincide. I fell asleep and heard words like blood, sin, evil, perverse generation, perverse generation, perverse generation.

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